1,2,3 Rêvez !
Plateforme 10 is home to 3 museums of the Canton of Vaud, mudac (design), Photo Elysée (Photography), and MCBA (fine arts). It is also a real Lausanne neighborhood : Le quartier des arts.
The idea is extremely simple, like a child play we create a series of taglines : 1,2,3 XXX, 1,2,3 Museums.
Different thematic
Since 2023 Platfrome 10 is hosting a series of transversal exhibits in the three museums. Our task was to create a concept that could, carry through the different thematic to come, and explain that the visitors will be able to experience them through three museums .
1,2,3 Rêvez,
This dynamic and colorful creation draws its inspiration from graphic and dimensional games, while paying tribute to the giants of surrealism like Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, and Man Ray. The technical innovation allows the surrealist themes to be experienced in an immersive way, paying homage to a century of artistic revolutions.

A continuous vertical dive where one moves from one 'floor' to another while exploring the exhibitions of MCBA, MUDAC, and PHOTO ELYSEE.
A concept as simple as it is effective;
A continuous vertical dive where one moves from one 'floor' to another while exploring the exhibitions of MCBA, MUDAC, and PHOTO ELYSEE.
Making Of
For obvious reasons, drones are unwelcome within museums. Consequently, our technical team had to devise a dedicated system to recreate vertical movements of up to 15 meters in height. A system of pulleys and stabilizers attached to the museum's gondolas allowed us to achieve the most convincing results.
Words from the client
«The strength of the Platform 10 proposal lies in its richness and diversity. Ramon + Pedro immediately understood this and managed to translate this complexity into a simple, intuitive, and effective message. It was quite a challenge, hats off to them!»

Client Plateforme 10
Concept / Production Ramon + Pedro
Creative directors Antoine Tinguely / Laurent Fauchère
Account director Christel Sonnard
Director Antoine TInguely / François Jaquier
Producer Christel Sonnard
DoP Romain Chautems
Droniste Romain Chautems
Making of Samy Guisolan
Post Production
Animation Felix Helfer
3D François Jaquier
Color grading François Jaquier
Sound design Felix Helfer / Nikola Bartek