Postcard from Doha to showcase soccer icons and country's emblems
The ball was in our court to create and develop the opening credits of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ by infusing the ideal mix of world-class soccer stars and the local Qatari landscape.

Making Of
Located in a gigantic storage cold room, this shooting took place in Qatar for a couple of days and was a pure blast. Check how joyful was the crew and every participant!
Client FIFA
Concept / Production Ramon + Pedro
Creative directors Antoine Tinguely / Laurent Fauchère
Account director Fanny Vuattoux
Director Antoine Tinguely
Producer Fanny Vuattoux
Local line producer Lee W Swartz
DoP Anand Mondhe
Post production
Producer Fanny Vuattoux, Ivan Vasiljevic
Lead animator Francois Jaquier, Felix Helfer, Alan Mediata, Romain Chautems, Doca Mladenovic
Storyboard Nayon Kim
Music Elias
Music adaptation Shiverland Production